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How To Help Homeless Cats

27 17:51:06
The number of homeless cats is increasing day by day and it is high time for us to realize, understand and take action to improve their plight and save the neighborhood also, which is getting effected by their growing menace and unhealthy atmosphere.

There are nearly half million stray cats roaming in SA alone and the number is triggering each day. These stray cats are mostly abandoned or lost somehow by the owners and now they are living in streets and creating lot of inconvenience and spreading diseases in the society. They are not been properly taken care of. They search for food and shelter in the suburbs and add a lifestyle full of danger, discomfort and diseases for the neighborhood.

The Real Problem

The actual problem is their growing number which in turn is also promoting an unhealthy environment for the people living in the surroundings vicinities. These homeless cats are multiplying in a great pace and as per records and researches a female cat can give birth to 41 kittens in a year! How alarming! Given these startling facts and statistics it becomes even more necessary to act quickly to stop put a cap on their population and to provide them with better life.

How They Affect Us

These homeless cats survive on wildlife, spread diseases and urinate, and they are often extremely chaotic and make the neighborhood awake the whole night. These stray kittens also add to the mountain of work for the animal shelters.

How to Help Them

There are myriads of homeless cats out there in the SA and they need to be provided with better shelter, food and life. There are plenty of sites, forums, stray cat rescue squads and shelters working as foster home and are playing their role of offering shelter, counseling and treatment for these homeless cats but not all are good and trustworthy. Moreover, these could often be over crowded and unhealthy. Cat adoption is also a solution if you can afford to. You cannot adopt all homeless cats that you run across. The best remedy is to approach some known foster home or you can also call your local ASPCA (American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and approach for advice. You can even approach homeless to raise your voice through this forum and interact with other peoples to take advice.

This forum offers advice on cat adoption and cat rescue and helps you play the role of a good citizen.

Homeless Goodcatsa is a forum/website that provides statistics and some useful facts and figures about the stray cats to the people at large in an effort to make them aware of cat adoption and cat rescue in South Australia.

There is a huge population of homeless cats and stray kittens in SA. These stray cats are mostly domestic cats, abandoned or lost by their owner and now they are fending for themselves by simply seeking food supply from garbage or by killing local small animals. These cats and their stray kittens often starve to death, die due to some illness or even fall prey to vehicle accidents or predator attacks.

The problem of homeless cats does not end here. These are going to affect human being also living in the same society. They are instrumental in spreading infectious diseases, spraying urine, fighting with other own cats, making noise pollution and keeping the entire neighborhood awake all night. Albeit, there are animal shelters but ironically some of them are not worth living and these are not sufficient in number to accommodate this huge population of stray cats. They are capable enough to breed at an alarming rate. A female cat can produce as many as 41 kittens every year which is quite a huge statistic if this situation of breeding is not stopped.