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Excellent Strategies On Ensuring Your Cat Is Properly Cared For

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There is no end to the joys of cat ownership. However, as with any pet there is a lot of care involved when looking after a cat. There are special considerations that need to be considered when you own a cat. Thankfully, the following paragraphs will give you the knowledge you need. Keep reading to learn more about quality pet care.

Cats love to get into tight, small spaces. If they have a collar, this can be a safety issue if they get stuck. Breakaway collars will "break" if they're pulled too tight. A collar like this could save your cat's life.

You must always take your cat for regular vet check-ups. Your cat requires a variety of vaccines and shots to prevent illness, and it is also important to identify health problems before they become too severe. Do your best to use the same vet for your cat's entire life. This helps make sure your vet knows your cat's history.

Don't allow your cat become bored. Play is important to the health and vitality of your cat. But, too many cat owners fail to realize this. Bored cats are more prone to depression, obsessive compulsive disorders, as well as many other behavioral issues. Give them lots of space for exercise and plenty of toys they can play with. If they're an indoor cat, get them an object to climb on or a scratching post.

Your cat probably spends a lot of time grooming himself to perfection. If your cat is long haired, this may cause hairballs. There are special foods that can ease this issue. Some cat food brands have formulations to prevent or reduce hairballs, which will make life easier for your cat and you.

A lot of cat owners have a hard time keeping their cats off the counter. Cats instinctively want to be at a high vantage point so they can survey their surroundings. You may mitigate the problem by providing designated heights for them to use. Having a cat tower near your kitchen will keep them off your counters.

If you're having an issue with your cat, try to get some input from other cat owners. You may think it's something you can take care of on your own, but other people that own cats could help. There are many online forums that discuss cats. Most vets will also be happy to help you with some advice.

If you're traveling with your cat, take care to remember their ears. You might love blasting your favorite music while driving, but they enjoy softer sounds. Reduce the volume of the music and keep the windows up; let your cat rest!

High quality cat food is important to your cat. Beef, fish or chicken, all great protein sources, should head the list of main ingredients. Corn and other such protein-free fillers are things you want to stay well away from. Cats are carnivores so it is important for them to get enough animal protein in their diet.

If you want to let your cat outside, think again. The outside world is very dangerous for cats. You cat can get fleas and contract diseases. It could be injured via a vehicle or another animal. If you've just got to have the cat outdoors, limit it to an enclosed area.

Cats may be smart, but you can be even smarter if you take the advice in this article. After awhile they will realize what limits have been placed upon them. They may not be as easy to train as a dog, but cats can be trained to be well-mannered, if not always obedient.