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Start Here For Treating Feline Arthritis Without Steroids

27 17:49:02
There are some diseases that our feline friends are susceptible to and this includes painful feline arthritis. Feline arthritis, or simply cat arthritis is more common than most people suspect as it affects about 30 percent of cats who are into their eighth year or older. You have options for treating feline arthritis with natural products instead of steroids. However, before going into any treatment whatsoever, it is best to understand what feline arthritis is all about.

Arthritis—feline or otherwise—is a progressive disease, which means that it will get worse with age. This is caused by gradual wear and tear of the cartilage between the bones, in the joints, and may be inflamed. When your kitty's body ages, the cellular regeneration rate of her cartilage is not as robust as it was in her youth. This slow regeneration often leads to irregularities in the normally smooth cartilage. These rough patches lead to painful cat joints.

Large joints like the shoulders and hips are most prone to feline arthritis, but technically all joints could be susceptible to arthritis at one point or another. More senior cats will experience osteoarthritis in one form or another, whether it be mild and bearable, to the more debilitating variety. Obese cats are more prone to developing feline arthritis, as their weight will usually place more large strain on their joints compared to non-obese cats.

Your pet cat might have feline arthritis if she displays the following common symptoms:

- Increased irritability
- Changes in sleeping locations
- Loss of appetite
- More sedintary
- Muscle atrophy
- A change in gait, or the way your pet moves
- Favoring one limb over another
- Biting or licking of a particular joint area even if there is no wound or sore
- Stiffness when your pet cat tries to stand up or lie down
- Difficulty in jumping

Your local vet will have the final say in administering natural cat pain treatment to your pet cat if your cat is diagnosed with feline arthritis. Natural cat pain treatment will usually involve helping your cat maintain his weight, helping her exercise and provide her with warmth as the cold will usually be uncomfortable for anybody suffering from arthritis.

Natural cat pain treatment might also involve medication that are, well, natural and have no adverse effects on your cat. In the past, corticosteroids have been used in treating feline arthritis, but it has proven to have unpleasant side effects and is now used if no other options exist. Non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have also been used in the past, and though it may have less severe after effects, is also a method that isn't heavily favored as it could still have ill effects on your pet cat's kidney and liver.

Homeopathic remedies are gaining more popularity as a natural cat pain treatment. They are easy and safe to administer and can supplement your cat's diet with no ill effects on your cat's health. Of course the best way to treat feline arthritis is through prevention, provide her with Omega 3 rich foods and let your old friend get plenty of sunshine to warm her aching joints.