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Here Are Some Great Cat Tips For A Pet Parent!

2016/5/3 15:53:29

TIP! Cats can get into even the tiniest of spaces. If they are wearing a collar this can pose a safety risk, in the event that your cat gets stuck.

Cats need entertainment just like humans. They will get into everything and tear up furniture when they are alone. You can prevent this by giving them cat toys specifically made for them. Keep reading to find out more about some great cat toys.

TIP! It can be hard to stop your cat from coming on your counters. Cats naturally love heights so they can easily see everyone and everything.

Regular vet checkups for your cat are very important. The vet will be able to provide your cat with needed vaccinations and any medications it requires. Veterinarians also keep tabs on your cat’s overall health and diagnose any problems they find. Try keeping the same vet throughout your cat’s life. This way, the vet will be very familiar with your cat and its history.

TIP! Give your kitty lots of love. Cats give us a lot of love, and they deserve to be loved back.

Putting a warm tile beneath the bed of an older cat will help it rest comfortably. Use a terra cotta tile to help relieve your cat’s aches and pains; put it in the oven on low heat – 200 degrees or so – for 15 minutes. Wrap the tile in a towel and then put it under the bed. Change it every couple of hours if desired.

TIP! Try to figure out why your cat meows. Learning about your cat’s meows will be easier the longer you know her.

Taking your cat to the vet is part of being a responsible pet owner. A routine check-up should happen annually, and more often if necessary shots are due. Cats should visit the vet right away if they are having any issues.

TIP! There is no need to spend hours trying to litter train your cat. This is something that comes naturally and is not learned.

A microchip for your cat is something that you should really consider. Even though a cat may live inside, you never know if it will run out the door to escape. A collar with tags increases your chances of getting your cat back if it gets lost but it can also be a risk, for instance if it gets snagged in some branches. Microchips are as tiny as a piece of rice and will tell people where the cat belongs. Most vets and animal shelters will have a microchip scanner and because it’s under the animal’s skin it can never become lost.

TIP! Brush your cat’s coat often. This will spread a cat’s oils from their fur and help blood flow from within their skin.

Cats are very energetic, and a few toys can help them focus their energy. You don’t have to compromise your belongings to enjoy their company. Everything you’ve read in this article will go a long way toward creating a happier and healthier companion.