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Cat Owners Need To Know This Information

2016/5/3 15:51:46

TIP! Cats love to squeeze into tiny spaces. If they have a collar, this can be a safety issue if they get stuck.

Cats and humans have lived together for centuries. They’ve been subjects in many musicals, movies, and poems. This has created a sense of superiority in cats, knowing that they are the stars of the show in many households. Through this article you can make sure your cat knows who the boss really is.

TIP! It is a good idea to microchip your cat. One day, your indoor cat might leave through an open door or get outside through an open window.

Prevent your cats from playing with drapery cords. Cats can potentially strangle themselves on these cords so it is important to protect your cat from this potential danger. This may hurt them or possibly cause death. To prevent this from happening, keep any drape cords pinned away from any eyes.

TIP! When you purchase a kitten for your child, set rules and boundaries beforehand. Let your children know which rooms their cat can be in.

When considering a new pet, make sure you visit the area shelter first. Shelters have a lot of cats in them and you can get one adopted for a small fee. You really are saving a life and keeping the feline population in check all in one!

TIP! Cats love heights. Allow them the space they need to feel safe while checking their world out.

A heated tile can be positioned beneath the bed of a mature cat. You should heat a terra cotta tile with your oven, at about 200 degrees, for around fifteen minutes. Wrap the tile in a towel and then put it under the bed. Change it out every few hours if you feel the need.

TIP! Brush your cat’s fur regularly. Brushing spreads natural oils throughout a cat’s fur, and also helps stimulate blood flow in their skin.

Take your cat to the vet regularly to make sure they remain in good health. Most vets recommend yearly check-ups. If the animal requires certain vaccinations, more visits are necessary. Cats must see their vet right away if they start having health issues, injuries or other problems.

TIP! Do not punish your cat if they make a mess in the area outside of the litter box. Often, this happens when the litter box is dirty.

Deter cats from shocking themselves on electrical wires by spraying them with bitter apple. If that doesn’t work, cover those cords up however you can. Any loose cords should be bundled up and placed in things like paper towel rolls. Put your electronics away so your cat is not tempted to chew on the cords.

TIP! If you want to buy a second cat, prepare for some time where the cats will be familiarizing themselves with each other. Do not expect an instant friendship.

Sometimes, cats may think they know it all. If you use these tips, you can teach your cat who is really in charge of the home. Cats are great pets and can bring joy to your life if you follow these tips.