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Cat Care – Everything You Need To Know

2016/5/3 15:51:24

TIP! Don’t use items on a cat that are meant for a dog. Products designed for dogs or other animals could cause a negative reaction from your cat.

Cats usually make their owners very happy. However, it should be noted that owning cat also requires a lot of hard work. There are various responsibilities that cat owners must know. Here you’ll see exactly what those are. Keep reading and discover valuable tips that will improve your pet ownership experience.

TIP! Keeping cats from a counter really can be tough. Cats like to be up high, where they can watch everything going on.

Don’t use dog products on your cats ever. Cats can have strong negative reactions to a product that is formulated for a dog. This warning applies to products for getting rid of fleas. Flea products that are intended for a dog can kill a cat. Keep them separated by at least one door for a few hours after treatment.

TIP! The litter box for your cat needs to be in a good location. Don’t put it where the cat can’t reach it or near their food.

Cats will be up during the night more often than not. It is likely that they will want to play while you are sleeping. Try closing the door if your cats are keeping you awake at night. This will ensure you sleep much better, without cats jumping into bed with you.

TIP! Avoid bladder crystals and stones by feeding high quality food. Passing such crystals is a painful experience for your cat, and your wallet isn’t going to enjoy the vet bill.

Make sure that you never neglect your cat. Your cat will enjoy your company if you pet and play with her. Like humans, a cat has to be around people in order to feel special. This will increase the love that surrounds the family.

TIP! Be sure you think about your cat’s ears when traveling. Cats tend to prefer gentle sounds during the day.

Cats sometimes will spend hours grooming themselves to perfection. In long-haired cats, hairballs can result from excess grooming. To fix this problem, you can try buying a new food. Certain cat foods are made just for decreasing hairballs, benefiting both your cat and yourself.

TIP! A tablecloth for the feeding area can be quite useful. Sometimes cats prefer to remove food from their bowls and eat it from the floor.

Cats create years of enjoyment for the families who own them. Pets are good for kids and adults. However, you must properly care for your cat in order for both of you to be happy. Consider the information presented here to make the most of your relationship with your new kitty.