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Show Your Cat You Care With These Tips.

2016/5/3 15:51:14

TIP! If you are planning to get a pet cat, be sure to check with your local shelter. Shelters have great pets available for adoption, and the fee isn’t that high.

Being a responsible cat owner demands a certain level of care and attention. When it comes to grooming, feeding, and care, cats are a world apart from other household pets. There is a little extra work involved with keeping them looking good and clean. Read through this article if you would like to know how to take better care of your cat.

TIP! In order to be sure your cat is healthy, take them to their vet regularly. They should have a routine check-up once a year or more if important shots are due.

Check with your shelter before you purchase a cat. Shelters usually have many cats who need a home, and the fees typically include their shots and spaying or neutering. You’re literally saving their life.

TIP! Don’t use dog portions for your cat. Cats have very strong, negative reactions to products formulated for dogs.

Make sure your cat is always well groomed. Cats have to be brushed or combed on a regular basis. Brushing rids your cat’s coat of dirt and helps keep them clean. It will also cut down on shedding and hairballs. Brushing your cat will keep your home cleaner, too.

TIP! Keeping your cat off of the counter can be difficult. Cats instinctively want to be at a high vantage point so they can survey their surroundings.

Cats enjoy getting into small spaces. Cats that wear collars are at risk should they become stuck somewhere cramped. Purchase breakaway collars that will give if they are yanked tightly. Purchasing one could be the difference between whether your cat lives or dies when he gets stuck.

TIP! Cats are nocturnal animals. Because of this, night time is when they are most active.

A cat’s claws can cause lots of damage to your home. If you are having problems with your cat clawing up furniture, then purchase a scratching post or kitty tower. Entice them to scratch those items rather than your belongings. This will take some time but will be a valuable investment.

TIP! Make sure that you never neglect your cat. Cats are by nature companion animals, but that companionship goes two ways.

Think about having a microchip inserted in your cat. Even cats who live completely indoors may someday decide to bolt out the door or escape out of a window. Tags and collars may be able to help you get your cat back, but cats can sometimes take these things off or they could get hung up on a tree or something. A microchip is tiny, similar in size to a single rice grain and capable of holding plenty of information. Most shelters and veterinarians can scan your pet to read the information on the chip, and the chip cannot be lost since it is beneath the skin.

TIP! Prevent crystals from forming in the urine of male cats with the right diet. Passing crystals is very painful for your cat, and the vet’s bill will be painful for you.

Your cat will look and feel its best with the proper care. It is up to you to take the necessary steps so your cat looks happy and healthy. Make sure that you groom your cat every couple of days. These tips can be used to make your cat happy.