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Why Cats Use Litter Boxes

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Why Cats Use Litter Boxes

Why Cats Use Litter Boxes. Small cats that are not domesticated bury their feces to hide their trails from larger cats and other predators. Because it is easier to bury excrement in soft dirt, cats naturally seek out a sandy area to defecate. Burying feces may also be a sign of submission by smaller cats to larger cats in the wild. On the roof of every cat's mouth is a special organ that can detect chemicals floating in the air. This vomeronasal organ allows a cat to detect when another cat is ready to mate by smells emitting from the feces and urine. You can tell when a cat is using this organ by the look on its face that includes baring the teeth, wrinkling the nose and curling the lips. Catnip excites cats, including large cats such as lions, because the chemical it contains smells similar to the urine of a dominant female.

Why Cats Use Litter Boxes


Small cats that are not domesticated bury their feces to hide their trails from larger cats and other predators. Because it is easier to bury excrement in soft dirt, cats naturally seek out a sandy area to defecate. Burying feces may also be a sign of submission by smaller cats to larger cats in the wild. On the roof of every cat's mouth is a special organ that can detect chemicals floating in the air. This vomeronasal organ allows a cat to detect when another cat is ready to mate by smells emitting from the feces and urine. You can tell when a cat is using this organ by the look on its face that includes baring the teeth, wrinkling the nose and curling the lips. Catnip excites cats, including large cats such as lions, because the chemical it contains smells similar to the urine of a dominant female.


Cats enjoy running around, playing and napping. They do not want to make a long trip to the bathroom if they can avoid it. Having litter boxes in locations that are convenient for the cat, encourages use. Cats also enjoy privacy when using the litter box. Do not keep it out in the open. Consider using the covered type that conceals use and helps keep litter in the box. Because cats mark their territory with urine and feces, some cats will not share litter boxes. Therefore, it is a good idea to have as many litter boxes as you have cats in the house. You can also encourage sharing of litter boxes by keeping them scooped out a couple of times a day. It may be convenient for you to keep your cat food dishes near the litter box but it can be a real turn off to cats. Cats do not like eating near the potty any better than you do.

Prevent Access to Inappropriate Elimination Sites

Once a cat has used an area for elimination, it may return and so may other cats. Therefore, prevent access to these areas. In addition, use a cleaner designed specifically to eliminate pet odor. Some areas that cats may use include laundry hampers or baskets, basement crawl spaces, potted plants and newspaper piles. Many of the scents that people like to eliminate odors are repugnant to cats. Using them in or near the litter the box may chase your cat away.