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Have You Been Duped By Pet Food Sales Tricks? Heres 10 Tricks

28 11:19:49
"Sirloin Steak Flavor" Has the 'flavor' trick caught you before? This pet food sales trick is that the food does not contain steak - only the flavor of steak. It might not contain any actual meat at all - just meat flavor. If it actually contained Sirloin Steak - the label would say - With Sirloin Steak.

"Albacore Tuna Flavor" Wow, this pet food has the high priced Tuna Flavor. Not just Tuna Flavor, but Albacore Tuna Flavor.

"Big Meaty Flavor" Do you get my point?

"Meaty Taste" No mention of Flavor here...but it does 'taste' like meat.

"Made with Real Meat Juices" Last time I checked, optimal nutrition comes from real meat, not real meat juices.

"New Colors and Shapes" Dogs and cats see in variations of grey...they don't care what new dye color as been added to their food.

"Smart Nutrition" I sure hope so, I'd hate to see Dumb Nutrition.

"Taste Guaranteed" What? The Taste is guaranteed to...?

"Now Better Tasting" Better than Sirloin Steak Flavor?

"Made with Real Meat" Is there pet food that is made with fake meat? Actually, there is. By products, meat and bone meal, and meat meal are common pet food and pet treat ingredients that are not meat. The official definition of by-products is: "meat by-products is the non-rendered, clean parts, other than meat, derived from slaughtered mammals. It includes, but is not limited to, lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, livers, blood, bone, partially defatted low temperature fatty tissue, and stomachs and intestines freed of their contents."

I hope this brief understanding of the tricks to pet food selling has helped you. Try not to read anything on a pet food label except the ingredient list, the best by date, and the guaranteed analysis. If you'd like to learn more about how to find quality foods and treats for your dog or cat visit the 'Paws Club' page at