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What Is An Ideal Pet For Your Child - A Cat Or Dog?

28 11:17:29
What are the Best Dogs for children?

Well different dogs have different traits and personalities, so when choosing your dog you need to think about these factors. Would you like a small, medium or large breed of dog? Would you prefer a long or short haired dog? For example Labrador Retrievers are a large breed of dog and they have been found to be an all round ideal dog for families and children, so you may find they are most suitable.

Your children can play and teach a dog different commands, so they would play a vital role in a dogs training. Dogs need feeding every day either a large meal once a day or two small meals once in the morning and once in the evening, this all depends on your individual preferences. Giving your children the task of carrying out this important task as well as topping up the dog's water bowl every day is a great way of teaching your children what responsibility is all about. The dog is relying on your child for its food and water so your child has a vital role to play.

Dogs need grooming frequently depending on the time of year. They normally gain winter coats towards the end of the year, they then shed their coats in spring to prepare for the heat of summer. Once a week your child can sit down and groom the dog. This is another chance for your child to be responsible and to learn about caring for a living creature and also for bonding.

Now moving on to the aspect of your child owning a cat;

Cats are low maintenance in comparison to a dog so they maybe the best for pet for children.

Even if you travel regularly, normally a cat can stay in your home and have a pet sitter visit to give food and water. A cat makes an especially ideal pet if you will not be home much as they don't have a problem with being left on their own. Obviously that does not stop the fact that they love attention and would like to spend time with you.

If you are considering getting a cat, you will first need to decide what breed will be ideal for your children. Some are cuddlier, whereas others are more outgoing. Your children can play with the cat and keep the cat stimulated.

Like dogs, cats need feeding once or twice every day, as well as their water being refilled. You child should take on this crucial role and they must learn what an important part they play in the cats welfare.

Cats also require grooming so organise with your child a day when this can be done and keeping the day the same each week will help the child get in to a better routine.

You need to decide whether you would get a Cat Flap fitted to your door so the cat can go in and out as he or she pleases. However, you still may need a litter box and to train your cat how to use it. You can involve your child to help with this training.

Whether you decide to opt for a dog or cat for your child the below points always apply:

Your child must understand to stay calm around any pet. Fast movements and loud noises will terrify a cat or dog. Your child needs to learn the correct way to pick up a cat or dog without causing any pain or discomfort to the pet. Your child needs to know that the sleeping area of the cat or dog is their own private space and for them not to interrupt a pet while sleeping. Your child should understand that a dog or cat is for life and they can not give up their responsibilities. The child needs to know the importance of and how to train a pet. Lastly, your child should understand that the pet is a real living creature not a doll or toy.

Owning a dog or cat will help develop your child's way of thinking. Also your child will learn about responsibilities in life and understand how essential their role is in the dog or cats welfare. In return, your child will gain from the pet a loyal friend who is always there, waiting happily by the front door for their happy reunion when their trusted companion arrives home.

So now you can make an informed decision on what is the best pet for kids.