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5 Simple Steps To Toilet Training Your Cat

27 14:09:41
Most cats are easily litter trained, providing that you train them from as early an age as possible. They quickly learn to relieve themselves in the same place whenever they need to. This makes your life a whole lot easier, as you do not always have to rush to let them out.

Then again, with litter trained cats comes a dirty litter box that stinks up your house. Wouldn't it be nice if your cat could use the toilet? Well, did you know there is a way for you to train your feline friend to use the toilet? Sound hard? Well, it's not. Here are the 5 simple steps to toilet training your cat.

1. Newspaper Training Box

Before you can toilet train your cat, they first need to be litter trained. Ideally you should provide them with a solid box and newspaper to cover up their business. You should not use actual kitty litter as this will not flush down the toilet when it comes time to toilet train the cat. So using newspaper is the best idea.

2. Gradually Move the Litter Tray

Since cats are creatures of habit it is not a good idea to move their box quickly. They may lose where it is or refuse to use it at all. So, you will have to move the box in stages. Think of the box as if it were walking to the toilet. Everyday scoot the box a little closer to the toilet. (Or whenever you notice your cat is comfortable to where you moved it previously.)

3. Lower the Litter Tray Sides

There is quite a difference between the toilet and the litter tray and your cat will definitely be able to tell the difference! So you need to start trimming down the sides of the litter tray. If you are using a strong cardboard box then this shouldn't be too difficult. However you should obviously be careful if you are using a plastic tray!

Lower the sides of the litter tray down as you move the box. That way once again the cat will be getting used to the new routine gradually.

4. Place the Tray in the Toilet

Now that you have done all the past three steps and the box has gradually made it's way to the toilet. You are now ready to put the box into the toilet. You will do this by tying the box inside of the toilet. Make sure when you tie the box inside the toilet that it is tied tight. If it were to fall in while your cat was using it, it will scare them and they may never come to use it again. Now it's time for a little patience. Leave the box in the toilet until you notice your cat has become completely comfortable with the new situation. When your cat has adjusted then, move on to step five.

5. Cut a Hole in the Tray

Finally, once your cat is used to jumping up onto the toilet and using their new litter tray, it is then time to cut a hole in the bottom of the tray. This will ensure that whatever the cat does in the tray will immediately fall into the toilet. Once the cat is used to this setup, you can then take the tray away completely and they will happily use the toilet without any fuss.