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Going Mad From Your Meowing Cat?

27 14:09:35
Is your cat constantly meowing? A cat meowing can sure get irritating, especially since it usually gets louder when they don't get what they want.

If your cat is driving you mad with constant meowing and you are not sure what to do, read on to find out what the problem could be.

Why Cats Meow

A cat can meow for many reasons, but there is always a reason. A few include, when they are hungry, thristy, or need to go out to do their business. These problems are quickly fixed with food, water, or opening a door, but there are two other reasons a cat will meow. Those two reasons are:

1. Attention

2. They are in distress

Depending upon what is wrong with your cat, the meow will be slightly different. If they would like to go out for example, then the pitch of the meow will be lower usually than it would if your cat would like to be fed. The pitch of the meow will also depend entirely upon how badly the cat wants something. The more impatient they become, the louder the meow will be. By listening to your cat you will soon learn to distinguish between the different types of meow. That will then help you to determine what your cat actually wants.

How to Stop Constant Meowing

When your cat meows it's not to irritate you. They need your attention, so ignoring them isn't going to solve anything. Try to figure out their meows. Learn them. To reduce meowing for food. Have a set eating schedule. This way kitty knows when they eat and the won't meow for food at unauthorized times.

If you know that your cat isn't hungry, try playing with them. Perhaps they are simply feeling a little lonely and they would like your attention? By stroking them little and often you will be giving them the attention that they need.

If your cat meows constanlty to go outside and then meows again to come back inside, you should install a cat flap on your door. (Otherwise known as a cat door.) This way your cat can go out and come back anytime they want. This should remove most of the cat meowing from your home.

Overall, there are a large number of reasons why your cat might be trying to get your attention. If all else fails then it would be a good idea to take your cat to the vets. It could be that your pet has an hidden illness that is causing them pain. Your vet will be able to look them over and give you advice on what could be the problem. If you follow these tips then you should easily be able to solve your cats meowing problem.