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How To Care For Your Maine Coon Kitten

27 14:08:41
You’ve just brought your Maine Coon Kitten home. Isn’t he adorable? As soon as you brought him home he is probably running here and there, checking out his new digs and already getting into mischief. As well he is being curious about everything around him – and hopefully, he is talking to you and you are listening. So now what? How do you care for your main coone kitten?

It is important to remember that you’ve just taken this little kitten away from everything that it knows – including its mother, and the human being that it recognizes as it’s ‘second mother’ (the breeder). Like all new kittens that have been suddenly seperated from its owners and caregivers, it is now up to you to work hard to make your kitten feel at home. Because Maine Coon kittens are sociable animals they have formed a bond with not only their mom but also their siblings and the human owners that where taking care of them.

In order to form a close bond with you, his new caregiver, it is imperative that you give your Maine Coon kitten extra love and attention until he has had time to get use to his new surroundings and to start bonding with you.

Here a few tips to help care for your new maine coon kitten.

1. Let’s start with his sleeping arrangements. Remember that he has been sleeping near his mother for all of his life. He has also been able to pile up with the other kittens in the litter for comfort and warmth. If you pay attention to a litter, you will notice that certain members of the litter are always on the top of the pile, while others are always at the bottom. Which pile position did your new kitten hold? Try to arrange his sleeping quarters so that he gets the sense that he is still in or on that pile.

2. Just as a warm water bottle and a tick-tock clock wrapped in a towel soothe a new puppy, they will also soothe your new kitten. Make sure that the water bottle is also wrapped up, so that it doesn’t develop a hole in the middle of the night.

Did you make it through the first night? Great! Now, your new kitten needs to visit his new veterinarian. He will need to be spayed or neutered, have a general checkup, have genetic testing if this has not already been performed, have vaccinations, and be treated for fleas and ticks – even though he probably doesn’t have any yet. Be sure to ask questions concerning your Maine Coon Kittens health and general care while you are there.

Caring for your Main Coone Kitten is also helped by knowing what type of food the kitten has been feasting on, your breeder can tell you that. As well, try to get the same toys that he had been playing with also look at the litter box and type of litter being used. Making small changes to his life will ease the transition.

Hold your kitten a lot, and talk to him. Pet him, scratch his ears, and play with him. All of these things combined will make it much easier for him to transition from his birth home to your home.