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Want to Know if Cats Can Eat Nuts?

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Taking care of nuts is not always fun and easy. This is true especially when deciding the foods they will eat. This is the reason why as a cat owner, you need to get a complete guide on the foods that your cat should and should not eat. One of the most common questions cat owners ask is if nuts are safe for cats to eat. Can cats eat nuts?

There are types of nuts that cats can eat. For instance, crushed peanuts can give cats the nutrients they need and will also help with their teeth. However, it is not advised to give them peanuts all the time because they have high fat content. It might be necessary to keep taking your cat to the vet because of massive fat increase. It is recommended to get meals mixed with peanut and this will regulate the intake. Crushed peanuts as an occasional treat would be fine.

Make sure you don't give your cat whole peanuts because they might get choked. It is also hard for them to digest whole peanuts. Although not toxic to cats, peanuts are not good either because they are high in salt and fat. The diet you give your cat must be close to what they would eat in the wild and basically, that does not include nuts.

Aside from peanuts, almonds are also safe for cats. Just as long as your cat has eaten a small amount of almonds or food containing almonds, your cats won't suffer from anything. You should not allow your cat to consume huge quantities of almonds because it may cause a variety of potential problems to your cat.


Almonds can upset the digestive system of cats especially when given on a regular basis. Cats that consumed almonds may have their digestive system upset by the fats present in the nuts and may lead to lose bowel movement and vomiting. In addition, when consumed regularly and in high amounts, it may lead to developing pancreatitis.

Almonds that are prepared to appeal to humans may be added with salt or covered with toppings such as chocolates. If your cat consumes excess salt than they should, it could mean to developing condition known as sodium ion toxicosis which occurs primarily when cats consume too much salt without the right amount of water intake. In some cases, this may be fatal so be careful about giving your dog with almonds especially the salted ones. Almonds with chocolates should never be given to cats because it can be very toxic.

Macadamia nuts are highly toxic to dogs but there were no studies supporting its toxicity to cats. To be on the safe side, refuse giving your cat macadamia nuts.

Cashew nuts are also not recommended for cats. Some cats though do not like this type of nut. But for cats showing some interest in cashew nuts, be careful in the amount you serve. Excess amount may lead to some problems later on.