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Frontline Plus - A New Approach To Treat Flea And Ticks

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Frontline Plus flea and tick medication: An insight in terms of these parasitic invasions

Frontline Plus either for dog or cat can be deemed as the most popular flea tick control and prevention. You may ask what makes it so effective? This unique flea and tick repellent is able to provide with the fastest, most effective as well as the most convenient of treatment in terms of controlling flea and ticks in cats and dogs and even their young offsprings. It helps in inhibiting the growth of adult fleas and at the same time destroys their eggs and larvae. Thus, it can rightly be said that this treatment in terms flea and ticks prevents the development of all the stages be it the eggs, larvae and the pupae.

Considered to be one of the most teasing of pests, flea and ticks can do make your pet as well as your life a lot miserable. From minor allergy to full blown infections, fleas and ticks are dangerous and yes, your pets especially cats and dogs are their favorite victims.

As for the ticks, Frontline Plus can also inhibit all stages of the Brown dog tick, the American dog tick, the Lone star tick, deer tick (the major carrier of Lyme disease) etc. As with the last one, ticks can sometimes prove to be very serious since they can transmit serious disease such as Lyme disease on your pets.

Frontline Plus Ingredients

The most active ingredient in Frontline Plus is fipronil which helps in disrupting the central nervous system of the pests. It gets mixed up with the oils stored in the hair follicles on the skin as well as the the coat. The second most important ingredient in it is S-methoprene, an insect growth regulator.

Insect growth regulators are very effective in destroying the life cycle of the parasites because the flea and ticks, if introduced to S-methoprene will never fully develop into an adult thus, targeting all stages of their development. Therefore, this combination can be considered to be a very effective tick control which also provides long-lasting effective against flea and ticks.

Frontline Plus Benefits In A Nutshell

  • Is efficient in killing all fleas within 12 hours,

  • One application can provide a full month protection,

  • Also provides protection from sarcoptic mange infections,

  • Remains effective even in water.

Frontline Plus, especially for the one meant meant for dogs in waterproof. Thus , your water loving dog will have no problem in enjoying a splash since the ingredients are stored in the oil glands located within the skin and is continuously released into the fur. And what’s more, it can remain waterproof for up to 30 days and sometimes even longer.