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Cockatiels As Companions - 5 Ways To Make Your Pet Cockatiel Happy In Your Home

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Cockatiels make great companions, and with proper care can live as long as 20 years. Giving proper thought and attention to these 5 areas will make your cockatiel happy in your home.

Honey I\'m Home. The cage that you select will make a huge difference in your bird\'s adjustment in your home. Select a cage that is square or rectangle in shape. This will provide corners and a sense of security when needed. Choose a cage that is wider than it is tall, and it should be wide enough so it can fly a little, tall enough to have several perches, and big enough to accommodate a variety of toys--the bigger the cage, the happier the bird. Be sure the bar width is small enough to prevent a head from getting trapped. Plastic cages are probably best as they avoid traces of poisonous metals that are toxic to birds, and they show well in a living or family room.

I\'m Hungry Let\'s Eat. Cockatiels do best with a combination of seed, pellets, fresh fruits and vegetables, cuttlebone, a mineral block, and fresh water. Since they are ground feeders they need a separate dish for each type of food and a grate at the bottom of the cage will keep them out of their droppings. Foods to avoid include avocado, rhubarb, chocolate and caffeine, and beverages containing alcohol.

Getting to Know You. As members of the parrot family Tiels can learn a few words, but they prefer to whistle or to imitate noises around them such as flushing toilets, cell phones, or the microwave buzzer- all of which can be great conversation pieces when company comes. They are friendly and enjoy one on one time from family members. A daily routine of socializing will help keep them tame.

Fly Me to the Moon. Cockatiels are busy, active little birds that need a chance to exercise out of the cage for an hour or more each day. This time should be well supervised in an area that is free from dangling cords, operating ceiling fans, other family pets and open windows and doors. You can even set up a perch and toy area for them to go to when they are out of the cage.

What\'s Up Doc? Your ace in the hole should always be a good avian veterinarian. Find one even before you bring you Tiel home. Know the hours, the emergency numbers, and their costs. Take your bird for regularly scheduled check ups but also check with the vet when there is a change is stool, eating, sleeping, or general behavior. In the wild birds hide symptoms of illness because a sick bird is subject to attack. Noticing changes in daily habits and getting professional help quickly will keep your bird happy and healthy for many years to come.

Fresh Air Please. Cockatiels tend to be dusty birds so expect a fine white powder in the room where they spend most of their time. This powder would not pose a problem in the wild because it would dissipate and the birds would not spend all of their time in the same place. But in captivity, using an air purifier in your bird room will remove the fine dust from the air, decrease the chance of respiratory infections for you and your Cockatiel, and make routine clean up a lot easier.