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Advice For Healthier And Better Bird Feeding

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Bird feeding and caring for birds have been a popular past time in the UK and it definitely brings you enjoyment and solace through observation and companionship as human. Proper feeding methods and the use of proper feeders is quite an important aspect that you have to follow accurately when you take on this fascinating hobby.
According to recent research, it was brought into light that feeders can sometimes be a source of disease for birds who visit them if not properly cared for. Therefore for a healthy feeding station there are a number of steps that you can follow.
You can give your seed feeders, such as the ones that you use for Niger seed, a good shake before refilling to unclog the wet clumps and old seeds that have been stuck together for longer periods. You can clean the top of the bird tables with old brushes and spatulas which will easily take out bird droppings. You can also use a very mild disinfectant cleaner and scrub the surfaces once every few weeks to reduce the spread of germs. Make sure you wash your hands after filling these feeders. Always store your seeds in clean air-tight containers and do not allow large amounts of seed to become wet on tables on rainy weather. Reduce the quantity of suet that you offer if the weather patterns are hot but it is advisable to not stop the feeding entirely. Offer them other varieties of bird feed such as dried fruits, dried mealworms, black sunflower seeds, etc. You can use an ant guard to keep the ants away from the tables and feeders.
Tips for better feeding methods include a number of facts that you can easily follow. Black sunflower seeds are the most nutritious and also popular between numbers of bird species. They are rich in protein and oils. Niger is also a popular seed among the finches, tits any many other birds found in UK. Try and offer a variety of food in different types of feeders. Always try to make your feeding station as natural as it can be with branches to perch atop as well as a few creepers and hedges running through. Birds also need a proper flow of water and you can have a bird bath somewhere around your garden as well. But always keep in mind that the bath too needs to be thoroughly rinsed and scrubbed whenever they become covered with bird droppings.

Feeding Wild Birds in your Back Yard

As much as you love the sound of birds in your back yard, you have to be cautious and educated on ways of feeding wild birds that visit you during different seasons. Various groups are promoting all year feeding for these types of birds since many birds perish during the colder weather due to the lack of natural food.
As many birds start to migrate during the winter season looking for natural food sources such as fruits and insects, then is the proper time that you should continue feeding them. During spring and summer, one of the best bird foods that you can provide parent birds to feed their young are dried mealworms or even live ones. You can avoid having peanuts and fatty food diets during this time of the year since it is considered harmful for small chicks. But bear in mind that the big birds will need all the nutrients they can have since they will require energy to feed and hunt for food. Sunflower hearts, black sunflower seeds, spring/summer bird food mix etc are ideal for parent birds. Hanging feeders are mainly used by birds such as greenfinches, goldfinches, sparrows and tits. You should also consider the damage done to these kinds of feeders by squirrels and make sure that they come with metal ports.
The goldfinches who sometimes visit most of the gardens regularly can be encouraged to return to your garden constantly by using Niger seed. Also not all types of back yard birds have the ability to feed themselves using feeders. So you may have to consider bird tables so that you can encourage ground feeding habits amongst them. Some of the types of birds that you will spot hopping around your garden will be robins, wrens, chaffinches, blackbirds etc. Tables are a safer way to feed these birds rather than directly on the ground, if you have pet cats which may be a slight problem.
Birds also require a clean supply of fresh water on a daily basis. These species need water to quench their thirst, for bathing and also to preen their feathers. Birds also prefer gardens that have wild shrubs and creepers so that they can look for enclosed areas to nest. Last but not least, always make sure that you keep your feeders, tables and trays clean to reduce the spreading of diseases.