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I want to ship my pet from...

25 10:10:20

I want to ship my pet from gilford N>Hamp to Sarasota ,Florida on U.A.Air. they have a stop  in between. the dog is 75lb. a medium size Berniese Mountain Dog. What kind of carrier. and what size carrier should I use and where would I get it.

Hi Bett
You can call 800-826-7200, ask for an airline approved crate for a 75 lb dog to flight.  The crates they sell are shipped to your door, very nice, deep dishes for water and food.  Cheaper than airline ones to buy there.
I use U.S.Air alot only when they do not go into a city or state, I am forced to use Delta or American.

Put alot of stripped papers for absorbant bedding for it.
I just flighted two pups out a month ago from PIttsburgh, to San Diego, CA and Des Moines, Iowa, they did fine at 8 wks.

If u need anything further let me know.

Kind Regards