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Traveling with 3 cats

25 10:10:15

I will be relocating and will be traveling by car with 3 cats for 250 miles.  Can you please advise the best way to handle the feeding and litter box?  

My experience is all with dogs.  A 250 mile trip should not be a big deal.  Withhold food and water for a few hours before the trip giving them access to the litter box.  Then pack them in carriers and place them on the seat of the car.  Make no more stops than you have to.  Use drive through fast food for any meals you must have.  For rest stops, find a place to park in the shade, and make it quick.  If there are more than one of you, you can take turns while one of you stays with the cats.  This may be a little Spartan travel for you, but I think it will be best for the cats.  

You may want to give them at least one break.  Pick a quiet place, not an interstate rest stop.  Carry the carriers and litter box away from traffic and let them out to use the litter box.  Load up and continue.  Being given food and water at the new residence should be a good start on making it a good place.