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travel with a lab/chow mix

25 10:10:14

My wife I are going on vacation and she will not leave the dog with her folks.  She wants to take the dog in the car 215 miles for a three day visit to see my dad. We have never taken a trip that far with any dog, but if I was to take a trip with a dog it would be prettyboy.  He loves to go bye bye in daddy's car!  What should I be aware of in undertaking such an venture?

If he rides well on shorter trips, and is over 6 months old and up to date on shots, it shouldn't be any problem.  You might take some of your own water, a milk jug would be fine.  Some dogs have stomach upsets from strange water.  Be leery of highway rest areas.  With very young puppies I have even carried them down the ramp to where nobody in their right mind would take their dog to avoid exposing it to where a sick dog has eliminated.  With 2 of you, you can trade off walking the dog while one goes in the restroom.  Avoid leaving him in the car.  Weather shouldn't be a problem now, but the dog is safer where you can see it.  If you need a meal, consider take out.  If you don't like MacDonalds, try having one of you go in Subway.

Brush him good before you leave to make him a better guest.  If you are not using a slicker type brush with the wire teeth, perhaps try one.  They do a fine job on the short haired dogs.  If you have found something else effective, let me know.  

I don't know what you do about bowel movements at home.  One of the easiest things on the road is a plastic bag.  Slip it over your hand, pick up the stools, and turn it over.  Tie it shut and drop in a trash can.

I like to encourage and help people that adopt mixed breeds.  So many nice dogs need good homes.       

If you are traveling into another state, you might want to check their regulations.  Texas requires not only must the dog have a rabies tag, but they want to see the certificate too.  

People that think ahead tend to have fewer problems than those that don't.  I don't see you having much of a problem.  I could have used somebody to reassure me years ago when my wife and I set off with not only a dog we had never traveled with before, but a 6 week old baby too.