Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Plan to move to the Philippines

Plan to move to the Philippines

25 10:09:36

Hi. I have a Rotweiler cross Bullmastif. She's about 85 pounds. In the near
future, I want to take her with me to the Philippines. I would like to stay there for
atleast 6 months, what would I have to do for her to travel there. It's about
20+ hours flight from where I am from. She has all her shots, she's checked
regularly, and she's healthy. But she does have some separation anxiety.

Hi Guilbert,

Thank you for your inquiry.  I would encourage you to read the shipping requirements on our website regarding importing a pet into the Philippines.  They can be found here:  Please let me know if you need anything else!

Kind regards,
Rachel Farris