Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Taking a Yorkie to Mexico

Taking a Yorkie to Mexico

25 10:09:32

I travel to Mexico every three weeks.  The last time was at the end of December.  I just called my vet to arrange the check up for the Health Cert. and they told me the rules for Mexico have changed this year.  They said they now require vaccines for pip and leptospirosis and they think the risks of the leptospiroses vaccine are too high for my little dog.  I have not been able to confirm that is truly a Mexican requirement.  Any help would be appreciated in this regard.

Hi Susan,

Thanks for your inquiry.  You don't say what kind of dog you have, however it is best to comply with the Mexican import requirements.  I don't know why your vet will not issue the leptospiroses vaccine, but I suggest finding a vet who will vaccinate your dog for a full DHLPP vaccine as per the import requirements.

Good luck!

Kind regards,
Rachel Farris