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Pet Dog vacation

25 10:09:24

Hi Jerry,

We live in England and our son (Jonathan) lives in NW Florida. He needs to come back to England for about 4 months to conduct some lengthy business. Will he be able to bring his dog (Lucy) with him she is a spayed English Springer Spaniel about 10 months old. She has had all of her shots and she has never been outside of the USA mainland.

What would be the quarantine requirements when entering the UK. And what would be the requirements when they both returned back to the USA after 4 months.

Many Thanks for your help.


Richard Dunn

Hi,   Hope this will help you.  To enter UK, free and clear, you MUST
follow this:  Microchip, then, rabies vaccination, same day is fine.
If dog has had a previous rabies vac, Then you can have the blood
drawn immediately and sent to the one official lab at Kansas State.
The 6 month wait begins at time of blood draw!  If results come
back satisfactory, then only need to wait the six months before trip
to UK.  IF titre results is not good, then another blood test in
3-4 weeks.  Waiting period of 6 mos would then begin at this blood
draw date.
Only option is to put Lucy into quarantine kennel in UK for six mos.
Or, if Jonathan leaves in less than 6 mos, Lucy can be exported
directly and not have to put in the full 6 mos.
On page 4 of my:  there is a direct link
to DEFRA.   You should refer to this for all details.
In any and all cases, Lucy can ONLY travel to UK as cargo, NOT as
excess baggage.
Reentry to USA is VERY easy.  No quarantine.  No problem
You might want Jonathan to call me and we can discuss options in more
detail.   888.234.5028
Let me know if I can help any more.  The shipping charges will be
based upon the size of kennel required.
Regards, Jerry Mishler