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Bishon puppy in transit on USA for Peru

25 10:09:06

I have 3 and a half month old Bishon Frise and I'm taking him on Continental Airlines from Vancouver, BC Canada to Lima, Peru. He is coming in the cabin with me. I have to stop in Houston for and hour and a half to change planes (same airline) and my question is the following. At the time of travel his rabies vaccine will be only 20 days old and not the 30 day minimum required by the US when importing a dog. However, I'm only staying 90 minutes in the Houston airport, he's not being imported to the US. Is there a way my dog can be "in transit" and not considered to be in US soil as what happens with human beings when they land in the US and their final destination is another country and they do not have a valid visa?

Dear Veronica
The MOST essential thing you must be concerned with:  Can the dog
enter Peru with this rabies vac?
Pets often enter USA with rabies vac less than 30 days old.  All we
or the owner needs to do is sign papers saying they will keep pet
under control at home.  Transiting USA should be no problem.
However, Continental may think the dog needs rabies vac at least
30 days old.  They review paperwork VERY carefully.  So, you really
need to run this all by CO in advance.
I, or any other, pet shipper can not give you any better advice than
this.  It really is up to the airlines to accept or not.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance
Sincerely, Jerry Mishler