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Transporting puppy to Dominican Republic

25 10:08:01

My dad and his wife live in the Dominican Republic. They have recently had me purchase a MaltiPoo puppy that they are going to take back home with them. The puppy is 9 weeks old this week. I have called the vet and asked the requirements for taking the dog back to the Dominican Republic. They are currently waiting on an answer from the USDA on what they can do. They said that the Dominican requires a rabies shot and the puppy cannont have a rabies shot until it is 12 weeks. My dad's wife already has a flight next week to come get the dog. The dog will almost be 11 weeks by the time she is ready to take it back. Is there any way she will be able to take the dog back with her?

Your father and his wife MUST contact the DR authorities there in
the DR for entry requirements.  Check with their customs officials.
They are the ones to make the decision upon arrival of pet.
Usually, when a pet receives a rabies vac, they must then wait 30 days
before foreign travel.
Your father's wife might need to put her flight off for awhile.
Regards, Jerry Mishler