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Travel from Brussels to Tampa Fl

25 10:07:55

Hi.I plan to visit Tampa, FL next year Feb 25 from Brussels. I will pass Washington and then from there to Tampa, Fl (3 hours waiting time from Washington to Tampa). My questions are: what requirements do I need in order I can bring my yorkie (around 6 to 7 pounds, I fly with United Airlines and I called them, and they told me that I can bring my yorkie with me in the cabin) and pass the immigration when I arrive in Tampa via Washington. I will only stay for 2 weeks. Do I need the HC 7001 form? What should I do when I leave Tampa to go back Brussels,Belgium? My yorkie has tattoo but not microchip. Thank your for your attention. Regards,Edward

For entry into USA: health cert issued within 10 days of travel and
a valid rabies vac.  I suppose you do have the EU pet passport?
I highly recommend you get the dog microchipped.  EU is phasing out
the use of tattoos.  Check with authorities in Belgium, but I do
recommend the microchip to be safe.  Not required for entry into USA
You may need a new health cert issued in Tampa before leaving back
to Belgium.  Ask the airline and the Belgium authorities.
You might be able to get by with the h.c. you get in Brussels plus
the pet passport.  These are technicalities that should be addressed
by those who will be involved....
Hope this helps
Regards, Jerry