Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > sedate or not?

sedate or not?

25 10:07:53

You often recommend not to sedate a pet during a flight, even if it's for many hours. May I ask why? My cat is very nervous during travels...
Thank you.

The American Veterinary Medical Association addresses this issue
as follows:
Sedatives suppress the respiratory system and causes disorientation.
Most airlines will NOT accept an animal that is sedated.
Animal's natural ability to balance and maintain equilibrium is
altered under sedation.  When the kennel is moved, a sedated animal
may NOT be able to brace and prevent injury.
Increased altitude can cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems
in sedated pets.  Brachycephalic pets are especially affected.
When deaths do occur they are in most cases results of sedation.
Think of how strong a dosage would be to last the duration of a long
trip.  When pets are in the cargo area, there is NO ONE to look in
on them for emergency evaluations.
I often advise the owner to take the sedative and leave the pet alone!
Hope this helps to answer this often asked question....
Regards, Jerry Mishler