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Transport my dog from Mexico to Kuala Lumpur, Malasya

25 10:07:27

Hi Rachel, I have to be honest with you, my dog is like my son, and my husband is being transferred from Mexico to Kuala Lumpur, Malasya; I have two concerns:

1. I really want to take my dog with me, but I am afraid of the long travel (about 30 hours or more), if it can withstand that long of a trip without any repercusions.

2. What are the requisites that my dog need to fulfill in order to be relocated in Malasya, specifically Kuala Lumpur.

I would really appreciate your support and valuable advice.

Hi Eva,

Thanks for your message, and it's completely understandable that you'd want the best for your dog! :)

With that being said, I can tell you that we relocate dogs, cats, gerbils, horses, and the occasional fish to Malaysia quite frequently without any issues (in fact, here are a couple of our previous happy customers in Malaysia!  What we do is ensure they are on "pet safe" flights and arrange a "comfort stop" for pets, usually in Amsterdam at the Pet Hotel there.  Your dog would get to have food and water, be walked outside of his crate, and also have his crate cleaned out.  This provides a 6-12 hour break for him in between the two longer flights.

Regarding the import requirements, we have complete listing of Malaysian pet import rules & requirements on our website which you can see here:

There is a mandatory seven day quarantine for all pets upon arrival in Kuala Lumpur, which you'll need to reserve ahead of time, and you'll also need an import permit.  You can apply for this with the Malaysian Department of Agriculture or if you work with a pet relocation company (like us!) they usually will make all of the import arrangements on your behalf.  You might be interested in reading about the Kuala Lumpur Animal Quarantine Station on our blog where we also have pictures of the station:

Should you have any additional questions, or if you'd like to get a quote from us, feel free to contact me directly!  rachel[at]
