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Animals to Italy

25 10:07:01

Hello Rachel

You answered questions before for me on taking animals to Italy and how many days they must wait before and after bloodtests etc. Thankyou for that information.
I now need to know how many animals I can take in in one go. Turkey has a limit of 5 going out as non-commercial cargo, and I have checked with my chosen airline that this is acceptable for them, but I need to be certain that Italian customs will accept 5 animals. Thankyou once again.

Hi Gillian,

Thanks for your inquiry!  For pets going into Italy, there is also a limit of 5 to be considered non commercial.  So if you have five pets, they will be allowed in but if you have more than five, they will be allowed but it will be considered commercial.  Commercial shipments going to Italy will need additional tests.

Have a great trip!