Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > travel from Turkey to Greece with Turkish cat

travel from Turkey to Greece with Turkish cat

25 10:06:24

We want to take a cat from Turkey to Greece.  It has had rabies and feline vaccinations and is neutered.  What is required?  Does it have to have a chip?

Dear Pat
It is my belief that since Greece is a member of the EU, and Turkey
is not, you will need to follow the entry requirements for EU, which
in your case, will be: microchip    rabies vac   blood titre test
and a wait of 3 months before you can go to Greece.
I suggest you contact the following pet shipper in Turkey to better
address this.    
Please,let me know how this works out for you
Kindest regards, Jerry Mishler  
You should also contact Greek embassy or consulate