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Traveling with dogs in Central America

25 10:06:17


My dogs
My husband and I are in Tegucigalpa Honduras, with are 2 beloved dogs.
We want to travel to Guatemala and Mexico with our dogs.
What documentation is needed?
Is it possible to do it without a car?
Can you help us find hotels/guesthouses that are pet friendly?

Boy, you have some tough questions... No, it is way beyond my
expertise to advise about hotels, etc   Is there not an auto travel
club you could contact, like the AAA in USA?
Search the internet regarding your planned route.  Certainly they
list lodgings along the way, and usually say if pet friendly.  This
will NOT be like travel in Europe where you would have no problem.
The rest of the world is not so pet friendly.
I am sure some local travel agent could help you.
How would you travel without a car?  Flying? Check the airlines.
I don't get good reports about bus or train travel in your area....
The embassy or consulate of the countries you wish to go to will be
the best source of info re: documents.  Be sure dogs have current
rabies vacs, as well as ALL other vacs available.  Be aware of
heartworms.  Carry bottled water, both for yourselves and the dogs.
Hope this helps to get you started
Let me know how it goes
Regards, Jerry Mishler