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traveling with a young kitten/rabies vaccine

25 10:06:10

What is the youngest age that it is safe for a kitten to travel? Connected with that, what is the youngest age it is safe to give a rabies vaccine to a kitten? Most countries require a rabies vaccine to enter (30 days in advance, which means he would be a little less than two months old when I should give him the vaccine) and I'll have to pass through Jordan on my way to the US.

Dear Suzanne
You do not tell me from which country you will begin your journey?
Most countries do NOT require rabies vacs for young pups and kittens.
Some do.  USA does NOT.  When entering USA customs will provide you
with a form to sign agreeing to keep young pet at home and get rabies
vac as soon as possible.  Only a vet should advise you as to age to
get rabies vac.  Just transiting Jordan should have no effect on this.  Certainly you must have a health cert issued within 10 days of
travel.  Recommend if you can to bring pet as excess baggage.  Much
cheaper than cargo and would clear customs with you.  You may even
be able to bring kitten in cabin.  The airline will advise you on this
Regards, Jerry