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Transfer my cats from India to US

25 10:05:59

Hi Jerry,

I have 4 cats in India. They are so much a part of my family
and I want to get them to the US. Can you tell me the best
way to do this? Also a ball park figure as to the costs
involved will also be helpful. I live in Columbus Ohio so i
need to take into consideration changing flights.

If you can, Lufthansa to Chicago or maybe, Cleveland, would be your
best bet.  On to Columbus, I do not know......
Bring them as excess baggage if at all possible.  Much cheaper and
would clear customs with you.  Get more info from the airline you
travel on.
If you need help in India,  visit:  for member firms
in India
For entry into USA, all you need is: Health cert issued within 10 days  of travel, and a valid rabies vac
Regards, Jerry Mishler