Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > getting a puppy in Paris France

getting a puppy in Paris France

25 10:05:56

I live in Australia I have two dogs and I am going to Paris France for a year. I am not going to bring my dogs for only a year but is there a chance that I could get a puppy in Paris then in a years time I could bring her back with me? (I've looked every where and I can't find the information.)

You just have not looked in the right place.  Simply contact
Australian authorities.  There is a link from P.4 of my website
to this
There should be no problem getting a puppy in France.

I answered your question in less than 12 hrs from the time I received
it...... And, it took you 4 and 1/2 days to read it, then you give me
a 5 for time ??????  All experts allow us 72 hrs to answer without
Then I direct you exactly to where to get the proper info, and you
score me a 6 ?????
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