Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > Pet Flying within Canada

Pet Flying within Canada

25 10:04:55

I am taking a trip from Ontario to Prince Edward Island next week with my 12 week old labradoodle puppy. I am driving there but will need to fly back. I am just wondering what is the best way to fly a dog domestically. Do you know of the most "pet-friendly" airline in Canada? Also, should he be shipped in the baggage or cargo? Any information you can give me would be very much appreciate (even if you could direct me to a website).
Thank you!

Don't concern yourself with "pet friendly" airlines..... They ALL are.  This is just something
created by some pet shippers who get kick back from certain airlines, so they promote this phony
advertising hype.....
I don't know if he would be acceptable in the cabin, or must travel in cargo area.  This is up to
the airline.  Visit:  for pet shippers in Canada.  You should not need to use them
but they can give you better info re: flights in Canada
Regards, Jerry