Pet Information > ASK Experts > Travel with Pets > what are the requirements of shipping dogs from Philippines to France? do you know of any business establishments in Philippines?

what are the requirements of shipping dogs from Philippines to France? do you know of any business establishments in Philippines?

25 10:04:46

My bf will be leaving in 2 weeks, and he wants to take our dog with him. We live in the Philippines, and we are having problems finding businesses or companies here in my country to ship our dog to France. Do you know of any establishments here in Philippines? and what are the requirements in shipping live animals? thank you.

I have MANY links for EU entry info on my website.  I doubt if your bf will be able to take the
dog to France at this time.  EU will require you to have blood tests done, and rabies vacs with
3 mos wait.
Visit:  for pet shippers both in PI and France