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Fresh Water Dip to cure diseases

25 9:49:37

Do you reccomend a fresh water dip to rid a fish of parasites, as well as using medications.  If so is there anything I need to do to prepare the fish or the water for the dip or can I just take the fish from the saltwater and dip him in fresh.  Also how long should he remain in the fresh water before returning to salt.  Thank you.



I use a low salinity quarantine process to rid my fish of parasites. Try lowering your salinity to 1.010 or 15ppt. Many parasites have a much lower tolerance for decreased salinity.  You should  do this with your quarantine tank. a 3 week process will rid your fish of any parasites. sharks and invertebrates can not handle this.

the fresh water dip is another method but is alot more stressfull to the infected fish.  I do not use this method.

this is what i do know is
make sure the ph and temp are the same as your tank. also I have read 2-5 minutes is the max time.  The problem is the parasites may be present in your tank. so you may get rid of them (via the dip) but by placing them back in the affected tank they might attact themselves to the fish again. Thats why a low salt Q process will eliminate the source from your tank and fish.

Let me know if you need more help