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plants for shady ponds

25 10:02:42

Hi, Robyn -
What are your favorite plants for ponds in full shade and why.

Hi, Larry.  None of my ponds are in full shade.  Well, actually I have a 16 gallon pond in shade that is basically for the deer to drink out of.  I don't keep plants in there anymore since they eat them all but I have kept parrot feather and water lettuce in there and they did ok but got "leggy."  Generally, in the shade, you're not going to get flowers, if it's full shade so you want interesting foliage that will not rot due to lack of light.  Tropical taros come to mind.  Water lettuce may also do ok.  Some varieties can do ok in moderate shade but won't flower.  I don't know that any do ok in total shade.  I looked at my pond plant table and came up with these plants that may do ok in shade (I'm not sure just how much shade though!):
arrowhead, golden club, marsh marigold (flowers in spring when trees aren't leaved out), monkey flower, flowering rush, horsetail rush, zebra rush, 'Marble Queen' melon sword, and watercress.  Watercress which I do have, of course, needs running water.  Mine is in partial sun and does well there but I've never put it in the shade.  I have some dwarf cattail in partial shade, and it does okay there.  I don't really have much experience with pond plants in the shade.  As for terrestrial plants, most of our land is barren thanks to our pet deer who eat everything not in a cage (I have over 100 caged shrubs and trees and probably 100 smaller plants in cages) is eaten.  The understory is all gone.