Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Japenese (Red) Maple near pond quuestion

Japenese (Red) Maple near pond quuestion

25 10:02:05

This may not be your area, so if you know someone, please help!
We planted the subject tree about 1 1/2 ago and was admiring its wonderful growth/health up to about a week ago.... The top 1/4 of the tree seems to be dying, with leaves curling. getting dry and turning an orange color.
We cannot find any borers or damage to the tree. It has been warm,humid and wet lately(???)
Thank you.
Len (In NJ (West Jersey) Zone 6)
Started our pond last year and our Koi have given us three little ones!

Hi Len,
Have you had any real windy weather it could be leaf scorch caused by the wind, dig your thumb nail into the bark if it is green it is still alive but if it is brown it is dead.pop over to my website at you will find plenty of links their to Japanese maple sites.