Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Lily


25 10:01:45

Hi Brigitte,
 I am confused about this and maybe you can help.
I have a hardy water lily I bought at Wal-Mart. The package came with the lily, rocks, fertilizer tablet, some stringy like fiber, and a plastic messed basket.
The instruction said to put the fiber around the plant (do I need to use a string to tie it on?) and put that in the plastic messed basket, and then put the rosks on the fiber to hold it down. Then put all this in my garden pond.
Is that all there is to it?
Am I susposed to put dirt around the plant roots and then put the fiber around the dirt and roots before I put the basket in the water?
Is the plant susposed to be standing stright-up or is it suspossed to be laying down?
Anything you can tell me will be a big help.


Hello Dennis!
I am not sure exactly how Walmart sells their water lilies.
I would like to caution against using regular potting soil or mix in the pond, it would make a terrible mess.
Your best bet is to follow the directions exactly.
Chances are it will produce a nice water lily.
Water Lilies are very hardy and easy to grow. They do not need dirt or potting mix, they take their nutrients from the pond.