Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > injured goldfish

injured goldfish

25 10:00:09

My cat caught one of my fish as she was spawning. She lost scales along
one side as well as an eye. She seems to be al right except for being
blind on one side, but as she is by far the biggest fish in the pond at
about 8 inches long, she is getting a fair share of food and is not
bothered by the others. However, what is worrying me, is the green algy
growing on the injured side, it looks like a little green rug. I am using
antibiotics and have replaced 25% of the water twice. Is there anything
else I could do to help?

Hello Ilse,
Thanx for your question.  I think you are doing everything that is possible right now.  The only other thing I might suggest is a bottle of Stressguard available at most of your nurseries specializing in watergardens.  This helps fish heal and restore the slime coating which is a natural barrier along their scales.  I hope this helps.