Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > koi fish tumors

koi fish tumors

25 9:59:23

I have several koi fish with large tumors on their sides near their eyes.  Have you any idea what these might be.  I went to my local pet store and called the local zoo with no help.  I also have one that is large and is curved like a "S" , like it has broke its back??? Any ideas.  Help!!

I'm sorry about your koi.  Can you send me photos of the growths?  What color are they?  How big are they?  What texture are they?  Do they seem to be solid or full of fluid?  Tumors can be fatty, cancerous, fluid, bacterial (like with fish tuberculosis), parasites rarely, or viral (like lymphocystis).

I have a section entitled, "Why is my fish bent?" at
The back is probably not broken but deformed.

Good luck!
