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farm ponds

25 9:59:19

We had a pond dug on our property about 15 years ago. It is about a 1/3 of an acre. My problem is that the bluegill have taken over. We can no longer swim in it because the bite/nibble at you. We now have grandchildren and we want all of the fish out. Any suggestions???  

The only way to kill them all is to poison them.  I am very much against that for many reasons.  I suggest reducing their numbers by adding and promoting predators.  Add some adult bass to the pond.  They will eat a lot of the bluegills.  Make it easy for great blue herons and other predators to get to the fish by having shallow areas where they can walk in and out.  If you want more of them out faster, then rent a sciene net (I know I spelled that wrong).  They are weighted.  You run it over the pond and all around and catch a lot of fish that way.  It will also disturb and catch other animals though.  Most fish don't hurt when they suck on your legs (my goldfish do that) but I can understand it would be scary if there are many fish doing that.  You could also have some people over to fish for the sunfish and take some away.  I hope things work out.