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comet fish

25 9:55:43

we have a pond 10'x20'x4' with all kinds of different fish our one comet has taking to staying between rocks with only her tail hanging out.  it is moving so we know she is alive.  My husband got her to come out the last time by moving her,  She swam fine.  We have noticed now she is back between rocks the same way.  I have tested the salt level and it is fine.  Any ideas.

Hi Alice,
Thanx for your question.  Your fish may be being bullied by other fish.  That's a big reason why fish hide because something is picking on them or causing them stress.  As time goes by and the other fish find something else to amuse themselves the bullying will probably stop and the fish will become more active.  Also, as the fish grows bigger that should help deter the other fish from picking on her.  She may be nocturnal too and just choosing certain parts of the day to be inactive.  I hope this helps.