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koi carp chemicals

25 9:55:32

can you put koi carp into an pond with tap water to the size of 15,000 galon and do i have to add any chemicals i have about 1000+ so its quite important I've upgraded my pool and I've been also told by experts the water should be murky the murky the better.. i was wondering if you would be able to help me thank you very much

You shouldn't put your koi into a pond that has just been filled with tap water you should let it stand for a few days before adding any fish and when you fill the pond you should splash the water in so that any chemicals in the water are dissapated into the air, and yes all fish prefer green water but us humans prefer to have them in clear sparkling water hich is just selfish on our part but at least we can see if there is anything wrong with them when the water is clear.
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