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Minnows and Goldifish compatible

25 9:55:19

We have a lot of small black minnows in our pond with goldfish..Are minnows harmful to goldfish as we have had a number of our goldfish die since the minnows were put in? My husband is now cleaning out the pond and is getting ready to put a new liner in and start fresh.

Do you know what kind of minnows were added?  Where did they come from?  Fathead minnows are often sold as bait and "feeder fish."  They get along with goldfish very well.  But, if they were poorly treated previously, they may have introduced parasites, bacteria, or funguses to the pond.  Bait fish and feeder fish are rarely taken care of with any respect.  If the minnows were wild caught, they are probably healthier but could also bring in anything.  In fact, any new fish can introduce something to the pond which is why it's a good idea to quarantine new fish.

Why are you redoing the pond?  There are other problems?  If you're redoing the pond, you can separate out the minnows if you want.

Good luck!