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Pond and fish

25 9:54:19

QUESTION: I have a little pond in the back yard about 30 to 40 gallons and I have emptied it. I was wondering if there were some steps I should take before just filling the pond up with hose water and throwing my 6 goldish in there. Thanks for any advice and info.

ANSWER: Yes, you should do a few things.  First, if you have city water, add dechlorinator (tap water conditioner).  Also, I suggest adding some aquarium or pond salt, about 6 tablespoons for 30 gallons.  Only add more with water changes.  Adding good bacteria is a good idea as well.

In addition to water additives, when you do a 100% water change, you should aerate the water well to avoid problems with gas bubble disease.  See for more on that.

So, add dechlorinator and aerate at the least.

I also suggest planning for a bigger pond as goldfish can easily grow over a foot long and six of them need at least 100 gallons if not more.

Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So when I fill up the little pond then I can add the dechlorinator. Do I need a filter or should I just do frequent water changes. Algae build up grows in the pond to so should I just leave the algae or do something about it?

You can add the dechlorinator as it fills or when it's done.  Or, even half before and half after.  It's not too vital but, if there are fish in there, you don't want to burn their gills with the chlorine if you have city water.  So, put at least some in before or during if the fish are in there.  I do suggest a small filter or at least a pump moving some water.  Water changes will help with water quality but water movement is most important to prevent the pond from stagnating.  

Some algae on the sides of the pond is good.  If it's too much, then remove some.  My algae page is at and has some things to try.