Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Pond Water Gardening > Hard water in pond

Hard water in pond

25 9:54:04

QUESTION: How do I fix hard water in a pond?

ANSWER: Hi Michelle,

Do you have any fish in there?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Just one feeder goldfish.  We want to get fish but we are waiting until we can get the water just right, then we will get good fish.  It is a big pond, about 4 feet deep.  We just got it running about 3 weeks ago.

Hi Michelle,

Get some peat moss into a clothe bag and throw it into the pond.
Take several readings until the PH level is right for fish (7.2 to 7.5)
Once the PH level is right, remove the bag and wait a few days before introducing any fish.

A good filtering system will help in keeping the water right.

good luck
