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frogspawn and fish

25 9:53:32

I have read numerous bits of information about this and all have been saying different things. I have just discovered frog spawn in the garden pond which has goldfish and ghost koi in it. Is it DEFINATELY a bad idea to leave the frogspawn in the pond with the fish? If I need to take it out, is there any information I need to know about that? Such as where to put it, etc.
Thanks alot.

Hey Sinead, I leave mine in. I have bull frogs. What usually happens is the fish will eat some of the eggs. They don't all survive.Me and my wife love the frogs as much as we love the fish.I don't tell my wife, but nature has a way of balancing things out. I seen a black snake with a frog in its mouth.Coons eat fish, fish eat some frogs eggs. Slow frogs get eaten by critters.Thanks Eric