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Water Celery

25 9:53:23

Brigitte, I apologize, but I have never been on this site before, let alone ever asked any questions.  I have looked through previous postings but have not located any dealing with water celery, but maybe I'm just not seeing it.  If there are some, can you point me in the time frame or direction?  My question is whether there is way to rid my pond of water celery?  It is so invasive and has grown into the rocks.  I've tried pulling it out the last 3 years, but it's impossible.  The Zone 5 winters do not kill it.  Thank you so much for any assistance you can provide.

Hello Christie!
I answered the same type of question a couple of hours before and it should be in the archive.
Here is the short of it:
There is no real easy way to get rid of it. Pull as many roots as you can. Sprinkle pond, kosher or solar salt on the leaves of the rest (be sure not to use table or any other kind of salt that could contain additives harmful to fish and wildlife). The salt will not hurt the fish, but should shrivel any leaves still there. Continue to sprinkle leaves as they appear. The plant will eventually die.
Best regards